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Auntie Svetty’s Astrological and Life Advice for 12/10 - 12/16

Svetlana Trantastic

On December 10th the moon is opposite Uranus. Go ahead and make a joke. Are you finished? The moon represents your emotions and Uranus is always a surprise. Laugh all you want, cowboy, but surprise! You’re going to be feeling something unexpected. It likely has something to do with your home or surface appearance. If there’s suddenly going to be a huge pimple on your nose, today is the day. Thank Uranus.

This Scorpio moon opposite Taurus in Uranus has us feeling eccentric, fanatic, and over-the-top. This is my personality most days, so watch out! Finances are likely to come from an unexpected source.

On the 11th the Moon is sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. We yearn to travel and we feel sentimental. It’s best to stay home though. You’re going to be experiencing indigestion. Stay away from red meat. Expect diarrhea and cramping.

On the 12th the moon is in conjunction with Mara. It’s a new moon in Sagittarius and it’s square to Neptune in Pisces. You’re feeling mostly dreamy and passive. It’s a good day for a nap, but you’re also likely to experience nightmares.

Mercury has gone retrograde overnight when you wake on 12/13. Expect old conversations to resurface. Are you over the diarrhea and stomach ache? Make sure you tell everyone you encounter all about it. You’re likely to say the wrong thing anyway. At least you’ll know the subject well. Indigestion is always a fun topic at parties.

We end the week on 12/16 with the Sun square to Neptune in Pisces. It will be difficult to separate fact from fiction. Check your sources. Propaganda is bountiful. Media literacy is not. Try to be part of the solution.

Auntie Svetty loves you! Water, exercise, and rest help prevent indigestion and other health problems. Take good care of yourself.

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